CSJH 2011 Historica

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Judit Majorossy
Community and Individuality in Medieval Urban Space. The Social Topography of Butchers Through the Case of Pressburg in Comparison

The main focus of this study is the social topography and the urban space of the butchers in fi fteenth-century Pressburg (Posonium, Pozsony, present-day Bratislava). The topic in general was already investigated from the point of view of the determining elements in the urban topography of medieval butchers as well as from the point of view of case studies of several individual towns. However, I took the determining pattern elements of the butchers’ space in urban context – the closeness of water, visibility and social control – only as a starting point, to present how and to what extent they determine the urban topography of this occupational group. While, parallel to that, with some selected German towns I tried to draw a circle of comparative examples around my own social topographical analysis concerning Pressburg and tried to demonstrate how the character of the town (e. g. its elite recruitment) infl uences a general community pattern for the butchers and what other possibilities are off ered by a comparative approach to this question.
Medieval urban history, social topography, space usage, the butchers’ realm in medieval Pressburg

Martin Barus
“Schweig, Meyde, Leyde, bess do kombt besser Zceyt”. Der Görlitzer Stadtschreiber Johann Frauenburg: Lebensweg, Amtstätigkeit und literarische Schrift werke

Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit dem Görlitzer Stadtschreiber Johann Frauenburg, der in der zweiten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts tätig war. Charakterisiert sind besonders seine literarische Werke – zwei Tagebücher (öff entliche Diarium, darin er einige Gerichtsentscheidungen notierte, und heimliche Secretarium, wo wir unter anderen Einträgen Frauenburgs persönliche Meinungen entdecken können), die sog. Bürgermeisterspiegel, ergo Frauenburgs Instruktionen für die künftige Görlitzer Bürgermeister, und endlich eine Ratsordnung, die für die Erkennung der Funktionsfähigkeit des Görlitzer Stadtverwaltung im 15. Jahrhundert sehr wichtig ist. Erwähnten sind auch 14 Inschriften, die die er auf die Görlitzer Tore und Türme angebracht ließ und die, mit einige weiteren Wahrzeichen, zeigen, dass Frauenburg mindestens ein bisschen mit die neue humanistische Kultur vertraut war.
Johann Frauenburg, Stadtschreiber, Görlitz

Károly Goda
Buda Festiva: Urban Society and Processional Culture in a Medieval Capital City

The study is concerned with the cultural history in general and with festive culture in medieval cities in particular. In comparison with other European cities the author explores the rise and nature of Corpus Christi processions in Buda, the capital of medieval Hungary.
Buda, Corpus Christi processions, Hungary, festive culture, Middle Ages

Jitka Mašátová
Three Men of Sofie Podlipská in the Role of Fathers: Rott’s, Podlipský’s and Vrchlický’s Fatherhood as refl ected in the Ego-Documents of their Friends and Families

In the 19th century the spheres of man’s and woman’s competences were formed into an increasingly sharper opposition – the public sphere was meant for man, the private one was meant for woman. Whereas male identity was shaped rather by the outer world – achievements in job or the army, in the functions and ranks, man’s relationship toward family was less imminent. However, besides his activities in the public domain, father was an active and indispensible part of family life too. The main goal of the paper is thus to analyze the forms and character of fatherhood in the Rott, Podlipský and Vrchlický families, and to discuss their fatherhood identities in the context of domestic sphere, but also beyond it, i. e. in the context of relationships toward the outer world. The analysis is based on egodocuments (memoirs, correspondence and private diaries) coming from the Rott, Podlipský
and Vrchlický families and their friends.
Fatherhood, identity, Czech bourgeoisie, Jaroslav Vrchlický, Josef Podlipský, Eustach Rott, ego-documents

Viljenka Škorjanec
Parallel secret negotiations for the Osimo Agreement

In her contribution the author analyses the turning points and conditionalities in Yugoslav-Italian relations, with emphasis upon the border issue after 1954 which, after strenuous negotiations, was successfully resolved in 1975 with the Osimo Agreement. After
lengthy and ineff ective diplomatic negotiations, the Italian side presented an initiative for parallel secret negotiations outside the institutionalised framework under the working title “second channel”, where the two countries excluded their foreign ministries from negotiations. This model can be used to resolve very complex interstate relations in all parts of the world where the ordinary path is not possible, and where the internal circumstances allow for it.
Border issue, Yugoslav-Italian relations, diplomatic negotiations, parallel second channel, secrecy, negotiation triad

Karina Kubiňáková
Claims over Goa: Nehru versus Salazar

In 1961 the Indian invasion into Goan territory ended the fourteen year debate between António de Oliveira Salazar and Jawaharlal Nehru about the legitimacy of their claims over Goa. The arguments used to justify their claims over Goa provide a useful example
for understanding how ideological commitment infl uences the interpretation and conceptions of Goan identity in a postcolonial context. In this paper the issue of identity and its interpretation in rival discourse is dealt with through a critical analysis of the Goa debate as conducted by the two main actors as well as perceived by scholarship.
Ideology, identity, colonialism, nationalism, Nehru, Salazar


Srdjan Jovanović
Holm Sundhausen: ‘Istorija Srbije od 19. do 21. veka’

Jarmila Kašpárková
Alessandro Catalano: Zápas o svědomí. Kardinál Arnošt Vojtěch z Harrachu (1598–1667) a protireformace v Čechách

Ondřej Jakubec
Jaroslav Miller – László Kontler (eds.): Friars, Nobles and Burghers – Sermons, Images and Prints. Studies of Culture and Society in Early-Modern Europe, In Memoriam István György Tóth

Lucie Laníková
Frommer, Benjamin: Národní očista. Retribuce v poválečném Československu

Lucie Toman
Bočková, Hana: Knihy nábožné a prosté. K nábožensky vzdělávací slovesné tvorbě doby barokní

Jiří Hutečka
Marie Koldínská – Ivan Šedivý: Válka a armáda v českých dějinách: sociohistorické črty

Hana Matějková
Daniela Tinková: Tělo, věda, stát. Zrození porodnice v osvícenské Evropě

Jitka Pelikánová
Stanislav Brouček – Tomáš Grulich: Zrádná emigrace ve službách západních imperialistů. Domácí postoje k zahraničním Čechům
v novodobých dějinách (1918–2008)

Martin Barus
Zdeněk Beran: Poslední páni z Michalovic. Jan IV. († 1435/1436) a Jindřich II. († 1468)